Very welcome to this blog!
I am a Swedish teacher working in Lund in southern Sweden. My subjects are Swedish (mother tongue in Sweden) and Spanish. For a few years I have worked a lot with international and global issues within my school. I write a lot about my work, and love to express myself in writing - in Swedish. I am not equally fond of writing in English. I was brought up partly in an American school and speak English without a doubt, but I am reluctant to the written language since i find English spelling hard. This is the reason that I have not started a blogg in English yet, but as all the people I work with don´t understand Swedish I have decided to challenge myself here.Within the school we organize different types of collaboration with other countries. We have had a exchange with Spain for the past 17 years, and with Germany for the last eight. Beginning this year we also have an exchange with Denmark and France. The school has participated in different types of Erasmus and Comenius activities, organized and financed by the European Union, and the students also have had contact with other countries, such as Kenya. I am one out of two responsible teachers of the Zaragoza-exchange, and I have also organized this year's trip to Ringe in Denmark. In January I was in Chile to visit the school I attended four years of my childhood to explore possible collaboration also with them.
I have a passion for getting pupils and teachers from different countries to meet. I find it very inspiring when education becomes more "real" and see great motivational reasons to work with tasks that involve other countries and other pupils of the same age. I find that a contact with a peer in another country often increases the curiosity and the motivation to know more and to develope a language that is necessary to get to know more and keep in contact with a new foreign friend.
In later posts i intend to describe more in detail what kinds of tasks I do with my different colleagues in different countries.